Cylindrical Grinder / CNC Cylindrical Grinder



  • The user-friendliness, operability and a variety in machine selection are the main features.

  • This series includes the A type cylindrical grinder with automatic hydraulic wheelhead infeed, and the ND type CNC cylindrical grinder with 1-axis CNC wheelhead infeed. Table feed is hydraulic.

  • This series also includes the ND2 type, which is a CNC cylindrical grinder with simultaneous 2-axis control of the plain wheelhead (X-axis) and table traverse (Z-axis).


Swing over table mm φ450 (φ550)
Distance between centers mm 1000 (1000)
1500 (1500)
2200 (2200)
3000 (3000)
4000 (4000)
5000 (5000)
Max. grinding diameter mm φ430 (φ530)
Load mass between centers kg For center-distance 1000 mm: 650
For center-distance over 1500 mm: 1000
Wheel size O.D. × W × I.D. mm φ610 × 75 × φ254
Wheel peripheral speed m/s 33
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